Section: C Library Functions (3)
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BSD mandoc
TCLM Jan 10, 1993  


midimerge - tclm command to merge multiple tracks of a Standard MIDI File to one track  


{ outmfileId outtrack } { { inmfile intrack tscalar } { inmfile intrack tscalar } ... } delta  


is a tclm(1) command that merges one or more input tracks to a single output track of a Standard MIDI File. The first option is a list that designates output track. The first element of that list is the Standard MIDI File ID while the second element is the track number of that MIDI file.

The second argument is a list containing the specifications for the inputs tracks. Each input track specification is itself a list similar to the output track designator. The first element of an input track specification is the Standard MIDI File ID and the second the the track number. The third element is a time scalar. Since tracks from MIDI files with different divisions might be combined, the time scalar can be used to convert the timings to the same base. will divide each delta time between events in the MIDI file by the tscalar value. Thus, a tscalar of 2 would be the same as halving the division for a track.

The third and final argument to is a initial time delta. offsets the first event it merges by this value. It is useful in maintaining the timings between existing events in the output track and the new events added by the merge.

All Standard MIDI File ID should be values returned by either midiread(3), or midimake(3).

strips all ``metaeot'' events in encounters in the input tracks. This is to keep the output track from being terminated early and also to make it easier to add further events to the output track. To maintain timing, the delta time value to what would have been the last ``metaeot'' event is returned by  


returns the delta time to what would have been the final ``metaeot'' event in the input tracks.  


tclm(1), midiread(3), midimake(3)  


Mike Durian - durian@advtech.uswest.com




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